Emilie Puzio
Emilie has a career in real estate spanning thirty years in the seaside town of Spring Lake and Shore area.
Please list other boards on which you serve or organizations you support:
National Org of Italian-American Women.
How did you become involved with A Chance In Life?
I have many memories of the Puzio Family friendship with Monsignor John Patrick Carroll-Abbing, the Founder of ACIL. In 1975, I adopted my infant daughter from Calabria. Her arrival brought so much joy to my family. Emily and Frank M Puzio wished to say “grazie” in a meaningful way. My parents became early and annual Donors to Boys and Girls Towns of Italy/ACIL.
What do you find most rewarding about working with A Chance In Life and serving on the Board of Directors?
My friendships with my fellow Board Members have been most rewarding. Aside from Board work, I value our social time with their families. Our shared goals with ACIL have increased my knowledge of international concerns. Through our work, I have come to better understand the different cultures in the countries we serve. ACIL, Board and staff, have become an extended family to me.