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The Americas

From the mountains inhabited by Tarahumaras in Chihuahua, Mexico, to the valleys in Cochabamba, Bolivia, we work in collaboration with local organizations to serve the most vulnerable children and youth.

Despite living in multidimensional poverty and challenging conditions, children and youth from the Americas have the resilience, creativity and potential to escape from the poverty trap. Our Partners’ work demonstrates education, leadership opportunities and skills-based training can support children to break from the vicious cycle of poverty.


Local Partners



Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela



Local Partners


Meet Our Local Partners in Mexico

Located in Chihuahua, this nonprofit organization serves indigenous (Tepehuán and Tarahumara) male children from ages 4 – 19. Offering them a safe space to learn skills and the necessary tools to thrive.

This organization is the start point of the educational journey for Tarahumara girls (5-13), offering them with nutrition and residency in a safe environment where they attend a public school.

This nonprofit has been serving Tarahumara youth for over 40 years, providing middle school education, residential and nutritional services to indigenous youth from the most deprived areas.

This organization is a beacon of hope for Rarámuri (Tarahumara) young girls from the most remote areas in Chihuahua and offers a pathway to continue with high school and technical education.



Centro Educativo Vocacional San José

Guatemala City | Guatemala

Centro Educativo Vocacional San José is a nonprofit organization managed by the congregation of Missionaries of the Divine Redemption. The organization offers male youth access to high school education and technical skills training. These opportunities enable youth to continue their education and foster their professional development.

4 Programs
660 Beneficiaries


Hogar Nuestra Señora Consoladora

Guatemala City | Guatemala

Hogar Nuestra Señora Consoladora is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving male children living in extreme poverty. The organization, managed by the congregation of sisters Little Apostles of Redemption, provides youth with basic necessities including access to nutritious meals, education and healthcare. Youth also have the opportunity to attend workshops to learn and develop new skills.


Centro Escolar Nuestra Señora de Concepción

Escuintla | Guatemala

Centro Escolar Nuestra Señora de Concepción is an elementary and high school managed by Sisters Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor, a Catholic religious order, founded in 1958. The organization serves impoverished children and young people between 4 and 17 years of age from Escuintla and surrounding towns. Many of the children and young people come from indigenous families facing poverty and exclusion.


Hogar Santa Rosa de Lima “Las Américas”

​Cuilapa | Guatemala

Hogar Santa Rosa de Lima is a nonprofit organization managed by the congregation of sisters Little Apostles of Redemption, serving female children and youth who come from the towns around Cuilapa. Here, girls receive a safe home, nutritious meals, education and healthcare services. The program emphasizes leadership development and the importance of climate action.



Hogar Aldea Pablo Sexto

Medellín | Colombia

Hogar Aldea Pablo Sexto is a nonprofit organization managed by the congregation of sisters Little Apostles of Redemption. This organization offers basic services to the girls from the poorest families of the neighborhood of Santo Domingo in Medellín. The program focuses on education and gives the girls the opportunity to learn new art skills.

4 Programs
310 Beneficiaries


Fundación Hogar del Niño

Medellín | Colombia

Fundación Hogar del Niño is a nonprofit organization managed by the congregation Missionaries of the Divine Redemption. This nonprofit provides basic services including nutrition, housing, healthcare, education and recreational activities to male children and youth in Medellín. The program focuses on creating an environment where children and youth can learn skills and reach their full potential.


Hogar Juan Pablo I

Buenaventura | Colombia

Hogar Juan Pablo I, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting girls. The congregation of sisters Little Apostles of Redemption manage the program, located. in the port city of Buenaventura. This organization works in collaboration with the local government and stakeholders to provide educational opportunities to female children and youth.


Hogar Santa Rosa de Lima

Cúcuta | Colombia

Hogar Santa Rosa de Lima is a nonprofit organization focused on supporting girls. This organization, managed by the congregation of sisters Little Apostles of Redemption, offers an environment where immigrant and local girls have access to education, nutritious meals, healthcare and development opportunities focused on art.




Urcos | Cusco | Peru

CETPRO San José offers technical and vocational training to impoverished young people who have not completed elementary and high school education. The institution provides tuition-free education and support to over 100 boys and girls from Urcos town and other small villages in the mountains of Cusco. The Congregation of Sisters Servants of St. Joseph manages the institution, which opened in 2013.

4 Programs
524 Beneficiaries


Hogar María Reina de las Misiones

Curahuasi | Apurimac | Peru

Hogar María Reina de las Misiones offers residence, nutrition, education and psychological services to indigenous girls between the of ages 11 and 18 from the rural Apurimac region. The area is characterized by high poverty rates and a lack of high schools. This nonprofit organization, managed by Congregation of Sisters Franciscans Missionaries of Mary, ensures this vulnerable group receives the education, care and support they need.


Albergue Santa María Goretti

Chulucanas | Piura | Peru

Albergue Santa Maria Goretti is a home for poor and orphaned children aged 3 to 12 in the northern town of Chulucanas. This nonprofit provides housing, nutrition, medical care and psychological support to children as they await foster homes or reunions with their families. Congregation of Sisters Little Apostles of Redemption manages the organization, which has provided care and support to vulnerable children since 2016.


Reaching New Horizons

​Nuevo Chimbote | Ancash | Peru

Reaching New Horizons is a development project managed by the congregation of Christian Brothers. This project is hosted by elementary school 88413 in the human settlement Nuevo Horizonte in Nuevo Chimbote, a vast desert area where thousands of families live without basic services. This project enhances the access to quality educational services, providing with psychological support, with a Social Worker and arts classes.



Internado Rural María Inmaculada

Bella Vista | Beni | Bolivia​​​​

Internado Rural María Inmaculada offers housing, nutrition, formal education and vocational training to girls from communities along river Blanco and indigenous communities in Beni department. The organization is managed by the Congregation of Sisters Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament and Mary Immaculate and supports girls between the ages of 10 and 18.

4 Programs
452 Beneficiaries


Fundación Ñombori Opaetepegua

Municipio Cabezas | Santa Cruz | Bolivia​​​​

Fundación Ñombori Opaetepegua has served vulnerable young people between the ages of 7 and 21 from rural communities in Santa Cruz department since 2004. This nonprofit emerged from the work of Fr. Robert Thames (Diocesan priest), who brought together family and friends, as well as local organizations to offer residence, nutrition, tutoring and free quality education to children and youth in need.


Residencia Estudiantil Luise

Quillacollo | Cochabamba | Bolivia​​​​

Residencia Estudiantil Luise serves young people between 8 and 19 years of age from indigenous communities in the mountains around Quillacollo. Most of the children face language barriers when they first arrive. Since 1999, this organization, managed by Congregation of Sisters Agustine Missionaries of the Community of Jesus, has provided housing, nutrition, healthcare services, psychological support and tutoring to support the young peoples’ academic performance and positive development.


Centro Hermano Manolo

Cochabamba | Bolivia​​​​

Centro Hermano Manolo (Brother Manolo Center) is a nonprofit organization managed by congregation of Christian Brothers. This organization focuses on serving working children and youth in the area of La Cancha (local market). The program is a drop-in center for children and youth that offers tutoring, internet access and the opportunity to learn new skills. Training is also available to support parents.



Colegio Sagrada Familia

Los Teques | Venezuela​​​​

Colegio Sagrada Familia provides education to over 300 elementary and high school students from the poorest families in Los Teques, a town located in north-central Venezuela. With A Chance In Life’s support, this year Colegio Sagrada Family will establish a soup kitchen to provide nutritious meals to children in urgent need.

3 Programs
1,141 Beneficiaries


Hogar Sagrado Corazón de Jesús 

​Tinaquillo | Venezuela​​​​

Hogar Sagrado Corazón de Jesús serves young girls who come from impoverished families in Tinaquillo, a town located in the west-central region of the country. The organization ensures girls between the ages of 4 and 19 have access to safe housing, nutritious meals and quality education. A Chance In Life’s partnership will support vocational training courses on the arts, cooking, baking and makeup artistry, as well as access to mental health resources and a building renovation project.


Colegio Josefino María Inmaculada

​Tinaquillo | Venezuela​​​​

Colegio Josefino María Inmaculada, also located in Tinaquillo, serves over 900 children and youth. Access to nutrition is vital for student attendance and academic achievement. A Chance In Life’s partnership with the school will ensure their soup kitchen, threatened by economic instability, will continue to offer nutritious meals for students and staff. 

Become a Partner

In collaboration with local organizations, our grants target issues related to education, nutrition, healthcare, gender equality and climate action.

Our Impact

This year, A Chance In Life will provide 5,235 children and youth with education, nutrition, healthcare and leadership training in 12 countries.

Our Approach

Our Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach empowers children and young people to contribute to self, community and society.