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In the northern state of Gujarat, home to Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation and the southern state of Kerala, known as the Spice Coast of India with its assortment of spices originating from the cultures of Jews, Christians, Muslims and merchants, our seven Partners in India serve orphan and tribal youth and children with disabilities.

Children and youth in India receive a chance in life, through our partnership with local organizations that have been working to improve the conditions of the most vulnerable boys and girls for decades.

Our work in India is made possible by the generous support of the Caritas Pro Vitae Gradu Charitable Trust.

In the Holy Land our Partner provides life-changing care and support to deaf children.

Our partnership ensures that children with nearly no means of communication have the opportunity to learn and develop.


Local Partners



India and Palestine






Maria Gorethi Bhavan

Attappady | Kerala | India

Maria Gorethi Bhavan is a nonprofit organization serving tribal girls in rural areas of Attappady, a region characterized by mountains and valleys. Girls in the program receive access to formal education, strengthening their skills in literacy. The program is committed to uplifting and empowering women through education.

6 Programs
566 Beneficiaries


Pope Paul Mercy Home

Thrissur | Kerala | India​​

Pope Paul Mercy Home is a residential training centre for developmentally disabled children of all caste, race and creed. Pope Paul Mercy Home offers education and training to enable these individuals to live independently and contribute to their communities.


Shri Sachidanand Boarding House

Sihor | Rajkot | Gujarat | India​

Shri Sachidanand Boarding House is an organization that addresses the need for quality education for boys and girls belonging to poor and marginalized communities. This organization improves academic outcomes in primary and secondary education and provides technical skills training.


Boys Town

Pala | Kerala | India​​

Boys Town is a nonprofit organization that has served orphaned and vulnerable children since 1959. Currently, Boys Town supports children from broken or poor families in Pala. Children receive access to quality education, nutritional services, healthcare and lodging. The main purpose of this organization is to empower children through education.


Girls Town

Kottayam​ | Kerala | India​​

Girls Town serves girls who come from extreme poverty in the nearby communities of Kottayam. Since 1963, Girls Town has focused on fostering a caring and nurturing environment in which girls can access basic services, cultivate leadership skills and reach their full potential.


Savio Home Manakody

Manakody | Kerala | India​​​

Savio Home offers shelter to boys from broken families. This nonprofit organization ensures children from different religious backgrounds have access to basic resources including nutritious meals, education and skills training. Other opportunities include access to recreational activities, friendship with other children and use of modern amenities, which enable the boys to develop life-long skills and achieve their full potential.



Pontifical Institute Paul VI (Ephpheta)

Bethlehem | Palestine​​​

Ephpheta is a life-changing school for deaf children in Palestine. Children enter the school at age 3 with almost no means of communication and limited grasp of language–completely cut off from the world around them. Ephpheta’s program invests a tremendous amount of time and individualized attention, using mirrors and visualizations of sound waves, to prepare children for traditional education systems.

1 Program
202 Beneficiaries

Become a Partner

In collaboration with local organizations, our grants target issues related to education, nutrition, healthcare, gender equality and climate action.

Our Impact

This year, A Chance In Life will provide children and youth with education, nutrition, healthcare and leadership training in 14 countries.

Our Approach

Our Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach empowers children and young people to contribute to self, community and society.